What is Blog, Blogger and Blogging? How to Go For It?

"Blog, blogger, blogging"
If you are not a new on Google Search then obviously you have had heard or at least read these words somewhere on internet.
Blogging is not exactly what we people use to think about.
There are a lot of blogs on internet world and countless articles explaining that how to earn money through blogging;
But something that mostly misses in those articles or these advices are not clearly explained!
What is blog?
Well let me give you an example:
A person does many new and memorable things every day in his life and writes those activities he done; his feelings, ideas, knowledge, experiments, co-incidents etc on a notebook. So we call it a diary.
Same way what will we call if we have an online and sharable notebook?
Answer is we shall call it a blog
So I think here the answer should have a full stop to avoid making it any confusing.
What is a blogger
A blogger is the person who writes his online diary. We can call him a diary writer if he is doing the task of writing a diary on a simple paper notebook but we will call him a blogger if he is typing it on Internet platform. So that's the difference which I simplified for you.
What's blogging?
Same way again. Its the process of writing a diary online on internet.
Is really earning possible through blog?
Answer is yes!
We can be a blogger but earning through blogging is another process; there is a long practical work, so we should stop focusing too much on earning tricks and start to know that how to make our blog an earnable one!
If you're a person who is interested in blogging,
If you are a hardworking person,
If you are from a people who never give up for their passion
Then no one can stop you from your way to earn.
How can I make my blog able to earn?
The first condition to earn through your blog is to avoid thinking to earn.
Yes, you shall earn but first of all you have to be patient, cool enough, hardworking, carefull about your mental health. Also you should have atleast two hours a day to create a quality content.
How much to invest in this field?
If you are asking about investing on your blog then the answer is a big No Investment.
But if you want more sources, design and specialness like linking your blog to a domain then you have avail these facilities by buying from souce giving reliable sites.
But my advice to you is: First stop thinking about buying paid sources for your blog and just start designing it.
Also must create quality content and new articles for your blog according to the need of online people.
Give me basic blogging tips:
If you are a beginner then you should create your blog on blogger platform.
Must submit your blog to Google, Yahoo, Bing SEO (search engine optimization)
You should avoid copy-pasting other bloggers articles or it will become copyright case which can make google automatically delete your blog.
Also Google AdSense does not approve applications from a blogger who copyrights other articles and you should must know that Google is 1000 times smarter than you, me and us.
Don't lose patience and keep learning, designing and posting on your blog, be careful about the quality more than quantity.
I will like answering you
You can ask me more questions in comments box.


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