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How To Create A Facebook Page

Background  Of Facebook Facebook which was created by a group of American Students for a different will is now a great way and platform of socialization. FB is a Non Profit Corporation, a Social Networking Service which doesn't caste any charges on it's users for getting connected to the people arround the world. What is a Facebook Page? A Facebook Page is like an online book where a person can promote his ideas, art, favourite things, blogs, creativeness, paintins etc. Main difference between Facebook Page and Facebook Profile: A fb page is a way of promoting tools, products, compamy and it's duscounts, activities, current status to fans and taking attention from fans or people interested in. A fb account is a way to be completely personal to your friends and followers (by allowing a follow button on your profile) How to create a Facebook Page? Here I'm sharing easy steps to create a facebook page which will hardly take 5 minutes so let&